Install Windows on Google Cloud

Step 1 - Generate init script from TinyInstaller

You need to have license key first, if don't have let's buy one

Login to TinyInstaller

Go to then enter your key

Get Init Script

Then select Os and check Init Script

Step 2 - Create Windows VPS on Google Cloud with Init Script

Create new VM Instance

Login to Google Cloud then click CREATE INSTANCE

Choose Location, Configration

Choose location and server size for your needed. Make sure Disk Size is enough to run Windows. Do not choose ARM cpu, TinyInstaller supports Intel/AMD only.

Set the initialization script

Expand Advanced Options- > Management, then paste init script from TinyInstaller into Automation - Startup script

Create VM

Finally click CREATE button to create VM

Instance created

After instance created we go back to TinyInstaller -> My Instances to check install status

Step 3 - Check install status

You can monitor install processes at My Instances

You can view status detail by click the link on status column

Step 4 - Access to Windows

When installation done, you can copy it and access to RDP

That's all, you now connect to windows via RDP. Everything is processed automatically.

Last updated